For centuries, indigenous people have lived sustainably while resisting invaders on South Africa’s Wild Coast. In this documentary about a David and Goliath court-case struggle against Shell, these communities succeeded in halting oil / gas exploration, winning ongoing protection for their ocean and culture.

The amaMpondo’s recent battle is against the oil leviathan Shell, who threaten to sever the ties between the community and their sea-residing ancestors. This destruction of the coastline and decimation of marine life, including whale populations following the sardine run, will inevitably arise from Shell’s oil exploration, its deafening underwater, seismic blasting, and the pollution that comes with oil extraction. We celebrate this heroic indigenous resistance, based on the amaMpondo’s culture, their legal defence, and an inspiring, spiritual connection to their lands, seas, and ancestors
Our Aim
We aim to amplify indigenous voices so they can reach a global audience, to demonstrate how combining cultural heritage, indigenous wisdom, human rights activism, and environmental campaigning with litigation, can be a powerful means to tackle climate catastrophe, biodiversity degradation, and an attack on human rights. We want to inspire others on the front lines of climate, land, and ocean emergencies to rise up to protect their lands and oceans and seek justice.